Tuesday, January 26, 2010


A couple of weeks ago when I picked up Z, he was so excited.......he won his class geography bee! We are so proud of him!

Monday, January 25, 2010

My little Zebra

M got her face painted at preschool today......what a cute zebra she is!

The Fastest Texter wins!

Funny story......I am still laughing about it and it happened a couple of weeks ago. I have had this piece of furniture in my hallway that I just don't need or have room for for a few weeks. I really want it gone but my sweet other half just doesn't have time to help me get rid of it. There is nothing wrong with it, I just don't want it anymore. It is what we call a Powder Table. Its a desk/dress type thing with a huge round mirror on it. Its something you would see in the olden times a lady sitting at doing her makeup or hair. I used it for socks and stationary, there are 5 smallish drawers in it. Anyway, I wanted to give it to one of my sisters for her daughters but they just don't have the room for it. So few weeks ago my mom came over for a while. We were upstairs and I mentioned I was trying to get rid of this dresser thing. She asked if I had asked any of my sibling about it. I told her the one sister didn't have room for it. Anyway I decided right then that was a good idea, so I took a picture of it on my cell phone (my youngest daughter wanted to be in the picture, so she stood to the side of it) and texted to my six siblings that I didn't need this anymore and was anyone interested. Within two minutes my second oldest brother S texted me, (I was thrilled! I never hear from him) and texted "we'll take her for sure!". One minute later one of my sisters texted me saying she would like it also. I was thrilled and texting like crazy! My mom watched and laughed at my mad texting skills. So I was texting my S back and forth and about when he could come pick it up. A while later while we are eating dinner I get a text from S that says " he is coming back from Salt Lake, what does it eat?" I was totally confused and acutally that he texted the wrong person. So I texted him back " hu?" No idea what he was talking about. Now this brother of mine is doing well in life financially, and has a always been generous to others, so I was thrilled that he wanted my dress thing! Anway, later that night like 10 o'clock ish, I get another text from S, he says that I am going to think he is nuts but he thought I was talking about my daughter! I was totally shocked and laughing my head off! He texts me that he was getting concerned cuz I kept calling her IT! Anway so we got it straightened out, (he didn't want the dresser thing)and I asked my sister if she still wanted it. I still can't believe my brother thought I would text to see who wanted my daughter! What kind of a mother does he think I am??? lol After all this, I still haven't got rid of the dresser thing, my sister was supposed to come get it, she never showed up. It might end up at the DI the way its going.


Ok, so seriously my other half has a talent for getting pulled over. Last week he got pulled over twice within a 24 hour time period I think. The registration on the truck is expired, we know that we just haven't had the money to get it fixed so it would pass inspection. Anyway B got pulled over for his registration being expired, the first time he got a ticket (which hopefully they will dismiss when we get it registered), the second time he showed the cop the ticket from the first cop and he totally told B he was going to give me another ticket, B said "really?", they second cop paused for a second and then told him he was joking. So needless to say as I type the truck is in the shop getting fixed so we can register it, its gonna cost us a fortune........guess we won't be eating much for a while...lol.